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Delivery + shipping
How high are the shipping costs?

The shipping costs are €6.00 for domestic orders and €12.00 for international orders. We deliver free of charge from an order value of €100.00 (EU) and €119.00 (Non EU).

Do I have to pay multiple shipping costs for multiple orders?

Yes, unfortunately you will have to pay multiple shipping costs for multiple orders, as it is not possible for us to bundle the orders.

Do you also deliver abroad?

Of course, we also deliver to delivery addresses in the European Union. We also deliver to non-EU countries such as Switzerland and UK.

For non-EU countries customs duties and import sales tax may be levied on all imported goods.

How quickly do you deliver?

We usually deliver available items within 3 - 5 days in Germany, while we have longer delivery times of up to 10 days abroad.

Is express delivery possible?

Express delivery is unfortunately not possible.

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